System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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ipbreasonotherlist (Talk)Other reason
ipbsubmit (Talk)Block this user
ipbwatchuser (Talk)Watch this user's user and talk pages
ipusubmit (Talk)Remove this block
iranian-calendar-m1 (Talk)Farvardin
iranian-calendar-m10 (Talk)Dey
iranian-calendar-m11 (Talk)Bahman
iranian-calendar-m12 (Talk)Esfand
iranian-calendar-m2 (Talk)Ordibehesht
iranian-calendar-m3 (Talk)Khordad
iranian-calendar-m4 (Talk)Tir
iranian-calendar-m5 (Talk)Mordad
iranian-calendar-m6 (Talk)Shahrivar
iranian-calendar-m7 (Talk)Mehr
iranian-calendar-m8 (Talk)Aban
iranian-calendar-m9 (Talk)Azar
isimage (Talk)file link
isredirect (Talk)redirect page
istemplate (Talk)transclusion
italic_sample (Talk)Italic text
italic_tip (Talk)Italic text
iteminvalidname (Talk)Problem with item '$1', invalid name...
jan (Talk)Jan
january (Talk)January
january-gen (Talk)January
javascripttest (Talk)JavaScript testing
javascripttest-disabled (Talk)This function has not been enabled on this wiki.
javascripttest-pagetext-frameworks (Talk)Please choose one of the following testing frameworks: $1
javascripttest-pagetext-noframework (Talk)This page is reserved for running JavaScript tests.
javascripttest-pagetext-skins (Talk)Choose a skin to run the tests with:
javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework (Talk)Unknown testing framework "$1".
javascripttest-qunit-heading (Talk)MediaWiki JavaScript QUnit test suite
javascripttest-qunit-intro (Talk)See [$1 testing documentation] on
javascripttest-qunit-name (Talk)QUnit
javascripttest-title (Talk)Running $1 tests
jul (Talk)Jul
july (Talk)July
july-gen (Talk)July
jumpto (Talk)Jump to:
jumptonavigation (Talk)navigation
jumptosearch (Talk)search
jun (Talk)Jun
june (Talk)June
june-gen (Talk)June
lag-warn-high (Talk)Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (Talk)Changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (Talk)'''Warning:''' Page may not contain recent updates.
language-converter-depth-warning (Talk)Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (Talk)It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
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